About Course
Welcome! We are so excited to have you join us this Fall for The KOM Time Machine. To join your virtual class, please click on the appropriate teacher’s Zoom link:
Teacher | Zoom Link |
Maestra Patricia | https://zoom.us/j/7489780423?pwd=UXZMY1lSWC9NQjlKRFE1OHBHRFpBdz09 |
Maestra Violeta | https://zoom.us/j/8240028179?pwd=eG4vU2F0bm1hekJIQ09XRnN6OUFVQT09 |
Maestra Samantha | https://zoom.us/j/7769138346?pwd=azNLK3VhZEpTUlRob2FKTWoyK2MvQT09 |
Course Content
Tutor Topics
Week 1: God Created the World
Week 2: The Fall of Man and Redemption
Week 3: The Descendents of Adam and Eve
Week 4: Noah’s Ark
Week 5: Man Creates Cities and Towers
Week 6: The Story of Abraham
Week 7: The Story of Isaac
Week 8: Desert Animals
Week 9: The Story of Jacob and Esau
Week 10: Farms & Farm Animals
Week 11: The Story of Joseph
Week 12: Thanksgiving
Week 13: Prophecies that Jesus Fulfilled
Week 14: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Week 15: The Shepherds Meet Jesus
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